SZ Vranov nad Dyjí - obnovu vyhlídky a schodiště- TDI a koordinátor BOZP

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailNPÚ-450/18675/202307. 03. 2023život památkám o.p.s.687 280,00568 000,00687 280,00568 000,00CZK

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List of Participants

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Detailživot památkám o.p.s.Brtnice
DetailPivoda Josef, Ing.Zlín

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

NPÚ-450/18675/20232024420 004,00347 111,15
NPÚ-450/18675/20232023267 276,00220 888,85